At "Files" tab add mapset file.
At "Split" tab set output directory path, select "Create files for Mapsource" and check "Compile preview map".
Click "Split all" button.
GMapTool will create files "install.bat" and "uninstall.bat" in output directory. Click at "install.bat" to install mapset to Mapsource. In some systems you have to run "install.bat" as administrator.
If input file is not a proper mapset created by Mapsource or you are trying to merge multiple mapsets, you will have to input mapset name in field "Mapset" and provide FID and PID numbers.
If you are installing protected map, you have to provide unlock key to Mapsource and in some cases import gma file.
Maps installed by GMapTool don't support address search in Mapsource.