This site is dedicated to fans and users of GPS
Detailed map of USA based on OpenStreetMap data. Version 43a, compilation December 2024.
Detailed map of Canada based on OpenStreetMap data. Version 43a, compilation December 2024.
Road map of USA for Garmin devices based on OSM data. Compilation December 2024.
Detailed map of South America based on OpenStreetMap data. Version 43, compilation December 2024.
Detailed map of Africa based on OpenStreetMap data. Version 43, compilation December 2024.
Road map of Poland for Garmin devices based on OSM data. Map is optimized for Garmin Nuvi. Compilation July 2023.
Poland Addresses OSM - map for searching address points, contains over 8 millions addresses. Compilation July 2023.
New GMapTool 0.9.73 released January 13, 2018
GMapTool - program for splitting and merging maps in Garmin format.